
Fourth Journey (MS 107/3/1-2)

28th June 1779


[28th June 1779]

term: 50 - 56 - 50.
nog noorde opstekende wind betrekkende lugt. vertrokken door diep rivier eerst na andries Gows. hier kregen wy sware regenbuyen, so dat wy ons spoeden om by de Predicant Golbag in het Swart land te komen daar wy ook met den avond arriveerden. myn wagen en schuit bleven agter


[28th June 1779]

Thermometer: 50-56-50.
Wind still coming from the north, sky overcast.

Left by way of Diep River first to Andries Gouws. We had a heavy shower of rain there, so that we hurried to get to the preacher Golbag in the Swartland where we arrived in the evening. My wagon and boat stayed behind.