
Fourth Journey (MS 107/3/1-2)

27th June 1779


[27th June 1779]

mooy weer iets z:o: term 60 - 68 - 52 met den avond iets betrokken uit den noorden opstekende wind. betekent in dese streek en saisoen gemeenlyk regen

sondags. vertrok te Paart van de Caap om tien uren 's morgens met myn kleine jonge koerikei. captein de lille en zyn vrouw met myn lieutenant bleumer wilden my met de paarde wagen tot by de predicant Golbag in het Swartland convoyeren. so dat wy te samen na drie uren rydens aan het vissers hok arriveerden, alwaar wy vernagten. myn wagen en schuit op een andere wagen ieder met tien ossen arriveerden enige uren na my. Sal gene distantien of coersen hier byvoegen tot dat in het pad over oliphants komen, also die in myn vorig journaal aangeteken heb:


[27th June 1779]

Fine weather, a light wind from the south-east.
Thermometer 60-68-52.
Slightly overcast towards evening.
Wind coming up from the north which in this region and season usually means rain.

Sunday at ten o’clock in the morning left the Cape on horseback with my young lad Koerikei. Captain De Lille and his wife, with my Lieutenant Bleumer, wished to accompany me with the horse-wagon as far as the preacher Golbag in the Swartland. So, after three hours travel together we arrived at Vissershok where we spent the night. My wagon and my boat, which was on another wagon, each drawn by ten oxen, arrived a few hours after me. I shall not be giving any distances or routes here until I come to the road beyond Oliphants River as I have already noted these in my previous journal.