
Fifth Journey (MS 107/4)

22nd January 1786


[22nd January 1786]

hadden hier kout gehad en de swarte mieren ons sodanig gebeten dat wy niet slapen konden. hiewen na nagt op met byten om de koude
Observeerde alles duidelyk hebbende een schoon gesigt. gingen na beneden in ses uren by van der burg
scherp en moejelyk op en af klimmen en hadden het seer warm tussen de bergen en in de laagte arriveerde in den agtermiddag aan queekvaley

schoon weer ooste lugje
warm met den middag
onder en stil.
term 55 ­ 97 ­ 90

N:b: sagen mosselbaays zee in het zuiden van ons
sagen enige klipspringers boven op de hoogste kop
dese kop was 5700 voet en de westelyke digt by ons 6000.
cloven van swarte berg
eest Norties hoek dan Swart riv: dan Stevens rivier. dat [sic] vijoens rivier lopen alle in Gamka dan loopt gamka west z.w. na dwinka. door twe spitse koppen.


[22nd January 1786]

We were cold here and were so bitten by black ants that we could not sleep. They stopped biting in the course of the night on account of the cold. Took all observations pecisely having a fine view. We went down in six hours. At Van der Burg’s it was rough and difficult climbing up and down and it was very hot both in the mountains and in the valleys. We reached Queekvlei in the afternoon.

Fine weather. Easterly breeze.
Hot in the afternoon
below, and calm.
Thermometer: 55-97-90.

N.B. Saw the sea at Mossel Bay to the south of us. Saw some klipspringers on top of the highest peak. This peak was 5700 feet and the western one, close to us, was 6000 feet. The kloofs of the Swartberge are: first Nortieshoek, then Swartrivier, then Stevensrivier, then Viljoensivier. They all run into the Gamka, then the Gamka runs west-south-west into the Dwinka between two peaks.