
Boophone haemanthoides F.M. Leighton, formerly Amaryllis distycha (Bushman poison-bulb, or Oxkiller)

[Hand G:]
Çaamiep. of Hottentotse giftbol. daar sy wild me schieten, en ook onder hun slangen en boomgifte mengen.
amarillis distycha

[Hand G:]
Caamiep or the poison bulb of the Hottentot’s which they shoot gam with, and also mix together with snake- and tree-poisons
Amaryllis disctycha

Object data

  • Place: Cape of Good Hope
  • Date: 1777-1795
  • Size: h 34.2 cm × w 21.2 cm
  • Object nummer: RP-T-1914-18-49